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C2PA Addressing Media Provenance and Authenticity

C2PA Addressing Media Provenance and Authenticity

Story: The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA), a joint group formed through an alliance between Adobe, Arm, Intel, Microsoft, and Truepic, offers an open standard called Content Credentials that cryptographically secures metadata to image and video files. This specification should provide content provenance and authenticity.

Key Findings:

  • Technical Overview: The standard employs a manifed-based approach, where a C2PA manifest is embedded into the content. This manifest includes metadata and it uses cryptographic methods to ensure the security and integrity of this data, enabling verification of the content's authenticity.

  • Revealing Metadata: The C2PA specification includes metadata such as the device or software used to generate the image / video, edits or modifications made, the geographical location, timestamps, identity of the creator and more.

  • Provenance Empowerment: The specification emphasizes empowering content creators and consumers with the ability to disclose and understand changes made to digital assets, enhancing transparency and trust.

  • Interoperability and Openness: The specification supports interoperability across different platforms and systems, ensuring a wide applicability of the standard.

Pixit‘s Two Cents: We’re supporting C2PA’s open standard to ensure media provenance and authenticity and we’re looking forward to employing the technique, or a similar one (e.g., see SynthID in our previous posts), in our own tools. The framework will help to address the growing concern over the authenticity of digital content (e.g., see the controversy about Deepfakes in media in our latest posts)

AI as a Hot Topic at World Economic Forum

AI as a Hot Topic at World Economic Forum

Story: At the 2024 World Economic Forum in Davos politicians, business and other leaders discussed among many other topics, the potential, regulatory considerations, and the challenges of monetising AI. People discussed how AI is influencing our daily work and how it is influencing the labour market, especially with focus on generative AI.

Key Findings:

  • Transforming the Labour Market: Handelsblatt outlines three different scenarios how AI is transforming the labour market. TLDR the scenarios: (1) AI does the boring staff, (2) it’s all about leadership choices, or (3) AI under economic pressure might lead to layoffs.

  • AI's Business Applications and Challenges: CEOs and business leaders expressed interest in the potential of AI to enhance productivity. However, there was a notable concern about the actual monetization of AI technologies and their integration into existing business models. Companies are still figuring out how to derive real value from AI beyond its impressive demonstrations.

  • Regulatory and Ethical Concerns: AI's governance was a major topic, with emphasis on the need to ensure that AI serves the common good and adheres to ethical standards. Concerns were raised about AI reproducing human biases and the necessity of aligning AI development within the boundaries of regulations and compliance.

Pixit‘s Two Cents: It’s not a surprise that AI was a hot topic at the World Economic Forum in Davos considering its recent hype, especially with respect to topics such as regulation and ethics. At Pixit, we believe that (generative) AI will bring a massive boost in efficiency. For example, we are using GPT-4 to improve our code and to accelerate writing documentation for the code.

The Next Leap in AI for Mathematics - Deepmind launches AlphaGeometry

The Next Leap in AI for Mathematics - Deepmind launches AlphaGeometry

Story: DeepMind's AlphaGeometry is a new AI that solves tough geometry problems, like those in math Olympiads. It got 25 out of 30 right, almost as good as the best human competitors. The AI uses a mix of language understanding and math logic. This breakthrough shows AI can do complex math, helping in science and math research.

Key Findings:

  • Advanced Problem-Solving Ability: AlphaGeometry successfully solved 25 out of 30 Olympiad-level geometry problems, showcasing exceptional problem-solving skills in complex mathematics.

  • Human Competitor Parity: Its performance is comparable to human gold medalists in mathematics Olympiads, which is a significant advancement in AI capabilities.

  • Hybrid Approach: The system employs a combination of neural language models and symbolic deduction engines, integrating language processing with mathematical reasoning.

  • Open Source Contribution: DeepMind has made the AlphaGeometry code and model publicly available, supporting further AI development and innovation in the field.

Pixit‘s Two Cents: We believe DeepMind's AlphaGeometry is a big step forward in AI, solving difficult math problems like a human expert. It shows how AI progresses in all areas. This development exemplifies the growing capacity of AI systems to engage in sophisticated, thought-intensive tasks. DeepMind's decision to open-source AlphaGeometry underlines their commitment to collaborative progress in the AI sector, something we at Pixit are huge supporters of.

Small Bites, Big Stories:

  • AI can now mimic handwriting: Scientists at MBZUAI created an AI that can copy someone's handwriting with just a few paragraphs of their writing. This new tech could be really helpful for injured, but also raises concerns about misuse and the need for anti-forgery measures.

  • Stability AI launched tiny LLM for coding: Stability AI has launched Stable Code 3B, a 3 billion parameter Large Language Model (LLM) for code completion, offering efficiency for offline use on regular laptops and advanced support for multiple programming languages.

  • ChatGPT will have to evolve in “uncomfortable” ways: OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, in an interview at Davos, revealed that their next AI model will be significantly more capable than current versions and highlighted the need for AI to adapt to individual user values, acknowledging the challenges and discomfort this might bring.

  • Microsoft's Copilot Pro now available: Microsoft's Copilot Pro, now available for a $20 monthly subscription, offers AI-powered features in most Office apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, with added benefits for Microsoft 365 subscribers, including advanced document creation and analysis tools, email assistance. Pro Tip: If you have access to Microsoft Copilot Pro and their app, you can save the GPT Pro subscription at OpenAI as Copilot has access to the latest OpenAI model (GPT-4)

Post by Pix
Jan 22, 2024 10:56:17 AM